Steve Dam

Steve Dam

Owner, MAT Certified Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Resistance Training Specialist BA Athletic Training, MSed Sport Management

Steve effectively guide clients to achieve their fitness goals based on his 25+ years experience in the fitness field.

Brad Boelkens

Brad Boelkens

Certified Personal Trainer, MAT Certified Specialist, BA Exercise and Sport

Brad works as a certified personal trainer for hundreds of clients ranging from 14 – 90 years of age with varying degrees of physical abilities and goals.

Shawn True

Shawn True

Personal Trainer, Resistance Training Specialist (RTSm), MS

Shawn specializes in strategic personal training. He has 20+ years personal training experience working with clients that have specific physical challenges to high level athletes.

Cyndi Burman

Cyndi Burman

MAT Master Level Specialist , MATRx, ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Cyndi’s passion for working with the human muscular system arises from the benefits she experienced in her own body when she first received Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT™) as a client.

Mary Nimrod

Mary Nimrod

IFPA Certified Personal Trainer IFPA Senior Fitness Specialist MAT Jumpstart

Mary's 30+year career spans corporate wellness, hospital vascular labs, group and individual training, featuring the latest exercises and medical advancements.

Gina Narducci

Gina Narducci

Certified Personal Trainer, MAT Jumpstart Certified

As a Personal Trainer and Muscle Activation Technique jumpstart trainer, Gina creates personalized programs to improve wellness for teens to older adults.

Austin Hansen

Austin Hansen

NASM Certified Personal Trainer, CES, PES

Austin is knowledgeable beyond his years. He is highly motivated to learn. He utilizes the knowledge he gains to help his clients reach their health and strength goals safely and efficiently. He has a contagious positive energy that his clients appreciate.

Rob Paszkowski

Rob Paszkowski

MAT Certified Specialist, ACE Medical Exercise Specialist, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, BA in Kinesiology

Rob specializes in clients with pre and post-rehabilitation exercise needs, recovery from joint replacement, and many other physical limitations. He customizes workout for clients of all ability levels.


(847) 730-5531


1940 Lehigh Avenue Suite F
Glenview, IL 60026

Open Hours:

M-F: 9-5pm, Sat-Sun: 10-4pm
Contact us for appointment requests